On the night of May 15 (Sunday) and early May 16, one of the simplest astronomical events to observe will occur: lunar eclipse Total! Let’s understand how it works and what tips to get the most out of this phenomenon.

Eclipses occur when a star comes between the Sun and another celestial body. in the case of lunar eclipsesEarth in the middle, casting its shadow on the Moon

This Activity It occurs every six months when the Moon enters its “eclipse season”, which lasts about 34 days. But due to the movement of the stars, these eclipses they are not seen in all parts of the world during the same periods, and the Moon must also be in its full phase.

Another factor affecting visibility eclipses It is related to the shadow of the Earth, which has two regions, one of which is called the umbra, which is darker and easily observable, and the penumbra, which is lighter and also produces. eclipseshowever, this shade is more difficult to observe as it is not always noticeable.

also Activity (15) The Moon, which will begin on Sunday night, will enter the penumbra zone around 22:32 and enter the full shadow zone around 23:27 in the afternoon. if you prefer to just watch total solar eclipse, its peak time will be around 1:11 am on May 16th. It’s the perfect time to banish giant red pandas (for anyone who’s seen the movie “Red: Growing Up is a Beast”).

Why is a total eclipse also called a blood moon?

We can see the Moon dim during the eclipse, but unlike when it completely disappears from the sky when the eclipse reaches its maximum, the Moon is reddish. This is due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh Scattering, which occurs in Earth’s atmosphere and refracts light from the Sun. Red wavelengths are longer and harder to refract in our atmosphere, so this “escape” light is reflected from the Moon, giving it a red-orange color.

The intensity of this color and the brightness observed during the eclipse depend on the conditions of our atmosphere at the time of the event. A higher concentration of suspended particles such as pollution can give a more reddish appearance, while dust clouds from volcanoes can give a duller and darker glow perspective.

Other interesting facts about it eclipse Specifically, it will be on a Supermoon, the moment when the Moon is at its closest point to Earth and appears larger in the sky. In addition, the entire stage of the process eclipse It will last approximately 85 minutes and the end of the penumbra period is around 3:55 p.m. on Monday (16).

more about Eclipses and May Astronomical Events

Tips for observing the eclipse

for lunar eclipses No special equipment required, just clear skies, keen eyes, and a place where there aren’t too many buildings or other factors that could interfere with your observation of the sky.

However, some items can help you make observation more comfortable, as well as give you the opportunity to capture the moment in photographs. And here are the tips:

  • If possible, choose a location with a good view of the sky, unaffected by buildings, trees or excessive lighting (poles, house lights, etc.).
  • Be comfortable. Use a reclining chair or even a rug or blanket to lie down on.
  • If possible, camp. In rural areas unaffected by city lights, the sky takes on other hues and many more stars appear.
  • For photos, you can use simple cameras or take pictures with your mobile phone. Don’t forget the tripod to keep your rig stable, preventing blurry photos.
  • You can also use sighting scopes, binoculars and telescopes! This will give you a more detailed view of the Moon and the color nuances it brings. eclipse.
  • Call your friends, family and enjoy eclipse!
Relax and enjoy the event! Shutterstock Peace of mind and enjoy the event!

If it’s cloudy during the day in your area, you’ll have the opportunity to see a new sight. lunar eclipse On 8 November 2022. But unfortunately it will only be visible in a part of South America.

Source: Tec Mundo

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I am Bret Jackson, a professional journalist and author for Gadget Onus, where I specialize in writing about the gaming industry. With over 6 years of experience in my field, I have built up an extensive portfolio that ranges from reviews to interviews with top figures within the industry. My work has been featured on various news sites, providing readers with insightful analysis regarding the current state of gaming culture.


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