his arrival Telegram Premium This is an open secret. But today it has ceased to be something that is said to be definitively true. The reason is that the creator of the messaging application, who surpassed WhatsApp in many areas, confirmed the existence and even advanced its launch.

To begin with, he explained the reason why he launched this new version of his app; It is, among other things, a monthly subscription can be used (without being restricted by the free options). Thus, he stated that what is desired is to offer superior possibilities to the most demanding users and that they see something much more useful and even different in development in this way.

Obviously, there is also the quest to achieve more. Benefits now that it has a monumental global business in the server division (and it should be noted that there is no company like Meta behind it), it allows for better reliability management of the company. Unfortunately, for the moment Pavel Durov, Price:%s your subscriptions, something very important and this will be key code so many users switch to Telegram Premium.

A lot of news will come to Telegram Premium

Recently, some of the new options available in the new version of the app were leaked. Some were confirmed by Durov himself in passing. is an example of an increase. speed operation (especially with downloads of files, which, by the way, can be up to 4 GB). In addition, more functions will be integrated into both sections. personalization as on time overcome individuals and groups. Therefore, there will be facilities for every taste.

Girl using Telegram app


Another curious detail in the published statement is that some options have emerged over time. Prize will reach users of the version Free from Telegram. It was not specified what these would be. However, this indicates that new options will be developed to be added to existing payment accounts. These obsolete ones will happen to those who pay nothing to use the messaging app.

App arrival

It turned out that the release for both iOS and Android is imminent, with no specific date specified. The creator of the app has confirmed that this will happen Before the end of this month of June 2022 When Telegram premium is real. And therefore, those who see something positive in this option will be able to use it in a very short time and enjoy its benefits. The truth is, this was thought to happen by the end of the year, but it seems that things are much more advanced than previously thought.

The fact is that those who use Telegram regularly and with considerable weight, even in the field professional, they will never have a version of the app that will definitely improve their user experience. And that’s always positive… As long as the monthly payment isn’t crazy.

Source: Cincodias Elpais

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