Pavel Durov spoke about the valuation of Telegram at $30 billion by potential investors. According to the company’s founder, it will be able to reach profitability, if not in 2024, then in 2025. Going public is seen as a means to democratize access to the service, Durov said.

Potential investors value Telegram at $30 billion – Pavel Durov


Potential investors valued Telegram at $30 billion ahead of a potential stock market listing. This was stated by the founder of the company, Pavel Durov, in an interview with the Financial Times.

According to Durov, Telegram’s monthly cost per user is $0.7 per year and revenue from advertising and Premium subscriptions amounts to hundreds of millions of dollars. Telegram is expected to be profitable, if not in 2024, then at least in 2025, Durov noted.

The founder of Telegram also ruled out selling the company and described the IPO as the result of an initial public offering (IPO) as a way to democratize access to the service.

Durov also said that Telegram’s monthly audience reached 900 million users. In 2024, the messenger plans to improve the quality of moderation in connection with elections in many countries, Durov added.


Kirill Bilyk

Source: RB

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