Telegram removed monetization of Russian channels five days after its launch. The messenger did not comment on either the launch or the loss of the feature. TASS and Sostav drew attention to this.

Telegram has stopped monetizing Russian channels
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Monetization of Russian Telegram channels appeared on July 19, 2024. You could find a section with it in the “Statistics” section. Funds had to be paid in the internal currency of the Stars messenger.

The monetization program appeared on Telegram as part of a major update in April 2024. Channel owners have the opportunity to receive 50% of advertising revenue if more than a thousand people subscribe to them.

Payments are made in the Toncoin cryptocurrency, which can be withdrawn without commission or used to pay for ads in the messenger, collection addresses or Telegram-Premium giveaways.


Karina Pardaeva

Source: RB

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