In general, all household vacuum cleaners can be divided into three types. This is a classic upright robot vacuum cleaner. Vertical in the form of a doormat. It does not absorb dust and dirt like other vacuum cleaners, but may be suitable for those who value lightness, compactness and ease of maintenance. There are even similar wireless models.

Classical vacuum cleaner – familiar to most of us. It has a more powerful engine than the vertical one and has many functions.

Robot vacuum cleaners If given a certain program, it can clean the whole apartment. But I must say that due to the low suction power, such vacuum cleaners still cannot replace the classic version.

There are also several dust collector types. In upright vacuums this is usually a container, and in classic ones you can find bag or container vacuums. The bag can also be divided into paper, fabric, non-woven paper. The second is considered the most durable, but the first is easily torn. Of the advantages of vacuum cleaners with bags, the author of the article highlights low cost, ease of use, high suction power, from the disadvantages – the presence of constant contact with dust, a decrease in suction power when filling.

A plastic container is much easier to clean than a bag. However, you will still be in constant interaction with the dust. In addition, filters are located near this container, which must be washed from time to time.

There are vacuum cleaners with water filters. As a dust collector, a container barrel containing water is placed inside. Such vacuum cleaners clean not only the floors, but also the air. But it also has large dimensions and you will have to wash the dust collector after each cleaning. The filter will also need to be changed frequently.

Vacuum cleaners are considered two-in-one devices. They collect dust and do wet cleaning. However, they are expensive, and on their own – heavy and bulky.

The capacity of the dust collector can often be different. If the apartment or room to be cleaned is small, 1-2 liters will be enough for you for several cleanings. Otherwise, buy a larger bag or container.

It is also important to note suction power. At least for robotic vacuum cleaners (8-100 W), for vertical ones a little more (25-200 W), for classic ones more than others (100-750 W, but there are models with 2800 W). If you don’t have carpets, only 200 watts will be enough for you. The best choice in this case would be a vacuum cleaner that allows you to control the suction power.

Related nozzles, they can then be designed for different surfaces. For example, soft and hard, furniture, cracks, etc.

With noise level vacuum cleaners range from 60 dB to 80 dB. If you choose a powerful model, it will certainly not be silent.

Be careful when purchasing and filtering system. Your best bet would be to purchase HEPA filters: they trap up to 99.97% of dust particles.

don’t forget cord length. The range of the vacuum cleaner depends on this. The longer the cord, the more comfortable it will be.

If you need a vacuum cleaner to clean a small room, buy a model with a dust bag in the form of a bag, medium suction power, a cable 8 meters long. But if your goal is to purchase a device for convenient use and high-quality cleaning, then it is better to buy a classic vacuum cleaner with a container, many nozzles, power settings, a long cord, HEPA filters and appropriate dimensions.

Source: Ferra

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