Weather today January 21will be marked in Spain with a sign storm Garoe, which already yesterday began to leave some precipitation, releasing its greatest force in Portugal. The worst-affected areas are in the west of the country, although other parts of the peninsula will see some changes.

This storm is marked primarily by the formation bitter winds. This is a very common phenomenon in southwest Spain, much less demonized than other known winds. It is characterized by a general increase in temperatures and the formation of precipitation, which can be very intense.

With this in mind, it will be clear that today’s weather will be more unstable as east of the country, although there are remarkable data for all of Spain. The silver lining is that, at this point, it doesn’t look like this storm will be very destructive. In fact, open winds are often a boon for farmers in southwest Spain, as they often bring the rain needed for their drought-stricken crops.

What is open wind?

The open winds that are the protagonists of today’s weather are winds with moderate air and relatively humid. This favors the formation of clouds, so they are often the trigger for a more or less long period long rains. They are usually formed in Atlantic and enter Spain from the southwest, so the areas where most of this rainfall occurs tend to be Western Andalusia and Extremadura.

Farmers usually welcome the open wind with enthusiasm.

Today’s weather alert colors

For now State Meteorological AgencyAEMET has issued an alert in five autonomous communities: Andalusia, Extremadura, Castile-La Mancha, Castile and Leon and Galicia.

Only one of these warnings is orange. This was announced in western Andalusia, where Storm Garoe is expected to continue, causing persistent rainfall that could be very intense in places and continue. accompanied by storms. For our part, in Extremadura, western Galicia and Central System A yellow alert has been issued for rainfall that will be less intense than in Andalusia, although heavy downpours may occur.

weather today

Today’s weather instability will also affect Canary Islands, although the main character there will be the wind, the gusts of which can become very strong, especially in peaks of La Palma. In any case, the wind will also affect other parts of the country, especially Galicia and the Gulf of Cadiz.

Otherwise, we can talk about cloudiness and a general increase in temperature in almost the entire peninsula. This increase in temperature will make it difficult for snow to fall, although snow is expected. light snowfall in the Pyrenees.

This is the weather today, although Storm Garoe is expected to be with us for a couple more days. At the moment, on January 21, total precipitation is expected to reach 200 mm. Then, little by little, the storm will subside. In short, if you are in affected areas, have an umbrella ready and ignore the warnings. AEMET regularly announces them both on its website and on social networks.

Source: Hiper Textual

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