every week, Technology World This #AstroMiniBR Bring together five relevant and fun astronomical facts produced by Twitter profile contributors to spread the knowledge of this oldest science!

#1: Satellites of our galaxy

A common behavior in the universe is orbital dynamics between two large bodies. Newton’s law of gravity and Kepler’s laws of planetary motion state that if an object is close enough to another object of greater mass, it can rotate around it and become a satellite.

In the case of large systems such as galaxies, a satellite galaxy is precisely a star system orbiting another large galaxy due to gravitational interaction.

Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has several satellite galaxies that are part of the local subgroup. So far, there are 59 confirmed small galaxies 1.4 million light-years from the Milky Way, but not all of them need to be in orbit, as some are orbiting other satellite galaxies. Visible to the naked eye are the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds and have been observed by humanity since prehistoric times.

#2: Astronomy and “fake” colors

You know that stunning photo of nebulae or galaxy you often see on the internet? It is very likely that you are looking at a digitally processed image with false colors.

Generally, images from astronomical observations, such as those from the Hubble Space Telescope, are black and white, or have a specific hue, such as those from James Webb, that they are reddish. This is because the sensors in this telescope are not the same as the commercial camera sensors we are used to.

Commercial camera detectors usually have 3 subpixels per pixel: each for capturing images in separate red, green and blue color channels. The result we see at the end of this collection is a colorful image. Scientific detectors do not have the same system. Instead, they have a single large pixel instead of three. Commercial sensors try to collect as much colored light as possible, but for scientific purposes this is almost never necessary.

#3: Two perspectives of the same celestial body

You are looking at two images of the magnificent Sh2-54, a large and bright nebula in the constellation Serpent! Shown above at two different wavelengths, optical and infrared, one of the most notable aspects of this nebula is its core, which contains numerous protostars and several other very young and massive stars.

Astronomers estimate the average age of the oldest stellar population in this region is between 4 and 5 million years, and its components are mostly concentrated in the open cluster known as NGC 6604. famous Eagle Nebula and Omega Nebula.

#4: A light show in the sky

Did you know that aurora is also an astronomical phenomenon? Although best described as an atmospheric phenomenon, auroras, both north and south, are a visible manifestation of complex interactions between the Earth and the Sun.

An aurora is a sporadic, often faintly glowing phenomenon that can often be seen in the night sky from high latitude locations. Commonly known as the “northern lights” by those living on that side of the planet, auroras often appear as a pale, milky-looking glow that is too faint for the human eye to detect any color but bright enough to show a silhouette. clouds. near the horizon.

It may develop in steady greenish arcs or form shimmering, swirling curtains of greenish-yellow light. During the most intense images, auroras are visible from mid-latitude regions such as central Europe and northern latitudes of the United States.

#5: First image of an exoplanet!

This image, which appears to be a featureless blur, actually represents a great achievement for astronomy: the first image in history of an exoplanet (red dot on the left) and its host star! The exoplanet, designated 2M1207b, orbits a brown dwarf star called 2M1207 (in the center of the image).

This recording was from 2004 by the Very Large Telescope in Chile, bringing confirmation that 2M1207b is a Jupiter-like planet with five times the mass of our gas giant. Its distance to the brown dwarf is about 55 times the distance between the Earth and the Sun and is located 230 light-years from Earth in the constellation Hydra.

Source: Tec Mundo

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