First season fall out left fans wanting more. It is a fact that the Amazon Prime Video series will return with new episodes, although it is not yet known when they will be available. However, those responsible for this project have published very encouraging comments.
Graham Wagner and Geneva Robertson-Dworet showrunners from fall outthey meant that Season 2 may come out sooner than expected. In a recent interview with Hollywood Reporterstated that the idea is to launch it “as quickly as possible.”
Of course, a specific date has not yet been announced. Executive Producers fall out They decided to be careful in this regard, knowing that any slightest comment could create false expectations among fans. But all indications are that the goal is to ensure that the wait between the end of the first season and the start of the second does not become endless.
“The Internet has an interesting habit of making optional statements mandatory, so I prefer not to give a date that could be taken out of context and appear on Reddit for a year or more. But we’re moving as fast as we can, and we’ve already completed most of the hard work from season one. We already have the sets, assets and visual effects. […] Let’s put the pedal to the metal to get season two out as quickly as possible.“Said Wagner.
Creators fall out They are working full speed ahead on the second season.
Second season fall out will continue several interesting storylines established in the first few episodes. Alliance between Lucy And Gul hunt” Hank McLeanescaped to New Vegas, future Maximus as part of the Brotherhood of Steel and captivity Normthe main character’s brother in Vault 31 is just part of what the series will have to cover in the future.
Added to this are the unsolved mysteries of the times before the nuclear disaster and who remains in control of Vault-Tec. But there will also be room for new elements, characters and situations that are part of the world based on Bethesda’s games and that have not yet made it into the television adaptation.
“We wanted to do a lot in the first season, but then we thought, ‘This is great, let’s do it in the second season.’ […] “We are very grateful for the opportunity to bring to the screen everything that was not included in the first season,” said fans of Robertson-So. fall out There may be a few surprises in store for you in the future.
Let’s remember that among the many Easter eggs included in the first season, fall out looked at it for the first time Death Claw -Bloody Claws or Death Claws, depending on what part of the Spanish-speaking world you are in. These iconic video game monsters are expected to feature heavily in the second season.
fall out This caused fury among the public and the press. The first season attracted more than 65 million viewers in the first two weeks and has already become one of the most watched in the history of Amazon Prime Video. In the meantime, we will have to wait for new news. Although a cryptic message in the sixth episode of the series raised expectations regarding some announcement is planned for November this year.
Source: Hiper Textual