In March 1974, an unpleasant fire occurs on the lands of Sei Betz on the island of Fort George in Forid. At the conflagration, the family found a strange metallic energy, which they mistook for an old cannonball. The object has an ideal surface level without seams and joints, its diameter is 20.3 s, and its weight is almost 10 k. And when the sphere was discovered in the Betzev house, it began to embrace paranormal properties.

He used that the object reacted to the sound – it vibrated and hummed in response to the sound. Judging by the fact that the dog Betsev whined, covered his ears with his paws and strained while running, the acoustic signal was also at a frequency accessible to people’s hearing. When the children rolled the sphere of activity during the game, they could suddenly change direction and spontaneously roll on the floor, sometimes for several minutes in a row. The mysterious artifact was most active during sunny weather.

Betz sphere

Soon about waves of rumors and conspiracy theories. At that time, UFOs were in vogue in Western culture, the space race with the USSR was in full swing, so spherical connections with advanced technologies or extraterrestrial worlds. The complexity was added by the fact that the Betzes hurried to secure their rights to the find, and categorically refused to give it away for study, in particular, to cut it to study the internal structure.

At the very least, coverage with the Jacksonville Naval Base X-ray showed it to be a hollow sphere with unknown intrusion. The shell material is AISI 431 stainless steel, the composition of which is extremely precisely balanced, so it easily rolls onto the even edges of the stone floor of the Betz house. The sphere was not created, but could act as a resonator. The military scientists came to the conclusion that the item was made on earth, but it was not and to the goals of both.

Poss, selfbetz didn’t like it very much r, Aotom … just disappear, the journalists found p house and on n n n n n n n n n n n n n The orb is also gone, so it is no longer possible to verify or disprove the stories of her.

Source: Tech Cult

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