The Federal Police is conducting an operation today (16) in connection with the attacks against the Ministry of Health in 2021. The action, called “Black Cloud”, is looking for suspects invading the system and causing trouble on platforms like ConectSUS. .
The PF began issuing eight search and seizure orders to gather information about the attacks claimed by the Lapsus hacker group. The action takes place in places in Paraíba, Minas Gerais, Paraná and also Santa Catarina.
According to the Federal Police, the investigation concluded that the attacks were carried out by “a transnational criminal organization dedicated to committing such crimes”. The Lapsus group claimed responsibility for last year’s attacks. 50 TB of information stolen from government systems.
The attack carried out by Lapsus reached great proportions. The action, which took place at the end of 2021, hindered actions such as issuing vaccination certificates by closing the websites of the Ministry of Health for days. In addition to the Brazilian government, the group has also committed cybercrime against large corporations globally, from Claro to Microsoft.
In March this year, London police arrested seven people. will depend on the group. You can learn more about Lapsus’ performance here: Specially produced by TecMundo.
Source: Tec Mundo