lots of discussion around metaverse probabilities has emerged recently. While there are some concerns about some of the problems that virtual reality brings to people’s daily lives, most enthusiasts see various benefits in this technological trend.

For this reason, How can metaverse technology be applied in a healthy way in the daily life of the population? Below we will try to answer this question by giving some practical examples. Check out!

Where is the metaverse already available?

In the corporate and entertainment world, the metaverse is seen by many of its members as a transformative trend. According to research conducted by Accenture in nearly 35 countries, 78% of Brazilian executives believe the meta universe will bring positive effects to their businesses.

Regarding music, K-pop management companies have also realized how fruitful the meta-universe can be, and there are even purely virtual groups created to interact with their fans in this virtual reality. The truth is that meetings, conventions, conferences, meetings and even concerts are already taking place in these two scenarios.

In this sense, it is believed that due to the influence of the metaverse, it will become an integral part of people’s daily lives. If we spend most of our day surrounded by electronic devices carry out many activities in the digital fieldit can be said that we have entered a virtual life only by rearranging certain subjects.


In this way, those who are more optimistic about the metaverse assure us that it will soon become a fundamental integral part of our lives, as we will use it to communicate faster with all the important people who need our attention.

For example, according to Jensen Huang, CEO of NVIDIA, companies’ activities will be fully focused on creating connected worlds. It is worth noting that NVIDIA consists of a company that produces graphics processing units (GPUs) for games and computers; this is something that can contribute significantly to improving an experience in the metastore.

Metaverse: future possibilities

As explained earlier, the entertainment industry is already approaching the meta-universe in some contexts, as is the South Korean music industry. However, it is important to remember that some time ago, companies that developed digital games produced games that encouraged interaction between users.

It seems that with the strengthening of the concept and idea of ​​the metaverse in the coming years, more launches of this type will become easier. In this context, it is possible to talk about other games that exist in the daily lives of people who are already looking for these mechanisms in their own games in order to integrate the participants more and more.

Thus, one can quote Games based on Role Play (Stage, free translation)as one of the franchise releases Grand Theft Auto (GTA), from Rockstar Games and even fortniteThe game, which is one of the great successes of Epic Games in recent years and has undergone various transformations and currently offers countless entertainment opportunities to its players.


and together The rise of streaming platforms and the strengthening of social networks around personalized marketing, the metastore will be able to integrate both these action areas. In the first, it is possible to talk about the Observation Party, where subscribers come together and consume certain content simultaneously in a virtual environment.

In the latter, the case of interest can be quoted. Mark Zuckerberg, owns Facebook and other social networks that are widely used worldwide around the metaverse. Therefore, getting involved in virtual realities from these platforms should come as no surprise in the future.

Finally, if we talk about the corporate world once again, whatever the field of activity of the company, this sector should also be affected.

Like hybrid operating modelThe metaverse, where employees can perform their tasks in person depending on the day of the week, as well as from home to the office, could be a solution to make everyone even more connected.


Therefore, as we have seen, metaverse technology can be applied in different ways in our daily life, further surrounding the world population with electronic gadgets and screens.

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Source: Tec Mundo

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I am a passionate and hardworking journalist with an eye for detail. I specialize in the field of news reporting, and have been writing for Gadget Onus, a renowned online news site, since 2019. As the author of their Hot News section, I’m proud to be at the forefront of today’s headlines and current affairs.


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