He Apple Vision Pro It hasn’t hit the market yet, but Cupertino is already working on the next generation, which will be just as capable, but increasingly cheaper and less bulky. However, this does not mean that there are no complications. Reportedly InformationCalifornians may cut ties with Sony as a supplier of screens for his “space computer”.

Apple will be looking into phasing out micro-OLED screens designed by a Japanese company and replacing them with screens made by Chinese companies. Actually, Bank of England And SeeYa Technology they will seek to fill a hypothetical “gap” that may remain in the supply chain. Unless, of course, the disconnect between Sony and those led by Tim Cook is confirmed.

Why Apple will stop using Sony screens in future generations of Vision Pro? The above report indicates that the main reason for disagreement between the parties will be the reluctance of the Japanese to expand the production of screens for a mixed reality helmet. This will be due to the demands of the people of Cupertino to speed up mass production of their new device.

While no further details are given on this, it is logical to assume that producing more micro-OLED screens in less time would require Sony to invest millions of dollars. And Asians may not be confident that economic development will pick up at the time they see fit.

Or maybe it’s an ego fight. TOpple makes component vendors feel strict about their devices, and the Vision Pro should be no exception.. On the contrary, this is the riskiest bet from Cupertino since the launch of the iPhone. So it wouldn’t be strange that Sony, a corporation with such a rich history, wants to limit how far it’s willing to go to meet the demands of those in the bloc.

Future Apple Vision Pro Screens May Arrive From China

BOE and SeeYa as potential suppliers of micro-OLED screens for the future Apple Vision Pro would be more than just an expression of desire. Both Chinese companies will already be working with companies from Cupertino.. In fact, Apple will not simply test its components for a future version of the main device. This will also be done in a cheaper variant of the mixed reality helmet.

If the break with Sony as the supplier of screens for the next generations of Vision Pro is confirmed, the aforementioned Chinese manufacturers will not have a free path. Apple applies a very strict selection process to every firm that supplies it with components, and maintains tight control over processes, costs and delivery times. A methodology that Tim Cook introduced as chief operations officer under Steve Jobs and which was later deepened by Tony Blevins as the company’s vice president of acquisitions.

However, The penchant for more Chinese companies to develop the Vision Pro could also lead to political complications for Apple.. Tensions between the US and the Asian giant are making themselves felt in the tech sector. The Cupertino natives have already come under scrutiny from North American political circles due to their deep ties to China in the manufacture of their devices. Let’s not forget that some congressmen warned that the company was “playing with fire” using components from this country.

It is true that Apple is making great efforts to expand production of iPhones and other products in India and Vietnam. However, the work is not easy. And although Apple Vision Pro is just taking its first steps, depends almost exclusively on China. In fact, no matter who provides the components, only the Chinese company Luxshare Precision is engaged in assembling them.

Source: Hiper Textual

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I'm Ben Stock, a highly experienced and passionate journalist with a career in the news industry spanning more than 10 years. I specialize in writing content for websites, including researching and interviewing sources to produce engaging articles. My current role is as an author at Gadget Onus, where I mainly cover the mobile section.


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