WhatsApp has released another update and is now rolling it out to its Android app. one of the biggest interface changes in recent years. The company has published a new navigation bar on X (Twitter), which changes not only its location, but also its design.
Until now, WhatsApp for Android users could navigate between different sections of the messaging platform. through the menu located at the top of the screen. This displayed sections such as chats, calls, statuses or communities, and allowed access to them by clicking or scrolling right or left.
Now, new navigation menu located at the bottom, with a design very similar to the one WhatsApp includes in its iOS app. The messaging app has also changed the color of this bar to white from the green we saw in the previous version, as well as the icons. Additionally, icons for each section are now displayed above the text.
How to get a new WhatsApp design right now
The truth is that WhatsApp has been working on this change for its Android messaging app for months now, and some users even had the opportunity to test it earlier in beta versions. However, it is now available to everyone who upgrades to the version
However, the change will be rolled out in stages, so it may take a few weeks to reach everyone. Either way, there are a number of steps you can follow to get your new design up and running as quickly as possible.
- Check if an update is available: Go to Google Play and search for “WhatsApp”. Then check if an update is available. You can also check if there is a new version in the software updates section of the Google Play Store.
- Download the latest version of WhatsApp manually: You can also download the latest version of the app via APK Mirror. Just click on this link from your smartphone and click “Download” on the page. Then follow the onscreen instructions to install the new version. The system will replace the old WhatsApp application with the new one, and your chats will not be deleted.
Source: Hiper Textual
I’m Ben Stock, a highly experienced and passionate journalist with a career in the news industry spanning more than 10 years. I specialize in writing content for websites, including researching and interviewing sources to produce engaging articles. My current role is as an author at Gadget Onus, where I mainly cover the mobile section.