TSMC has officially launched its N3 portfolio. The Taiwanese chipmaker has at least five different 3nm manufacturing processes planned, and the N3 will be the first product to be produced on a large scale later this year. A key feature of the N3 family is FinFlex, which should provide customers with greater design flexibility.

The focus is expected to be on the N3E, which should offer better throughput and higher performance than its smaller sibling. The N3E is expected by mid-2023, while the N3P (performance) and N3X (extreme performance) are scheduled for around 2024. However, the manufacturer does not give exact figures on the N3P and N3X, and the N3S is not even mentioned in the roadmap above.

Process N3 and N5 N3E vs N5
Performance increase with same power consumption +10 to 15% +18%
Power saving at the same speed -25 to 30% -34%
Intensity 1.6x 1.7x
Start Mass Production H2 2022 Q2/Q3 2023

The company has shared more information about FinFlex. By offering three different types of transistors, customers have more choice in terms of size, processing power and power consumption. The variant with the lowest number of doors and wings (2-1) consumes the least power, while the 3-2 configuration focuses on absolute performance. Option 2-2 then balances consumption and speed. These different types can be combined on a single chip, allowing for more customized solutions.

According to TSMC, a FinFlex design should save space so that smaller and therefore cheaper chips can be produced.

Source: TSMC

Source: Hardware Info

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