Intel sued the European Court of Justice for damages of 593 million Euros. In his own words, it concerns interest owed by the European Commission to the chip manufacturer after the European Court of Justice declared a billion-dollar fine void. In 2009, Intel paid 1.06 billion euros in an antitrust lawsuit.

The EC wants to appeal the rejected fine at the European Court of Justice.

At the end of February, the Blue team reclaimed the original penalty and interest of 38 million euros, and apparently that’s not enough. According to the indictment, the claim is based on an interest rate of 1.25% between May and August 2009, followed by an interest rate of 3.5% until February this year – at which the EU reimbursed the penalty.

In a statement to Politico, the Commission confirmed Intel’s claim and said it is now “examining ways to prepare the defence.” Intel did not comment on the matter.

Source: Politico

Source: Hardware Info

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