one epidemic caused by dengue fever came to different parts of the country and, By April 23, it has already exceeded more than 542 thousand cases of infected people. The figure is considered very high, because last year Brazil recorded about 544 thousand cases in its various states – so in less than six months the result is pretty much the same as in 2022.
The Midwest region was the hardest hit, with 920.4 cases recorded per 100,000 people, according to data from the federal government’s epidemiological bulletin. In the state of Goiás, the numbers are 1,366 cases per 100,000 people, leading the number of cases in Brazil.
The bulletin revealed an 113% increase in cases of infection by the female Aedes aegypti mosquito compared to the previous year. The average national number of cases is 254 cases per 100 thousand people – thus the number of Goiás is 5 times higher than the national average.
The state of São Paulo has recorded more than 126,000 cases, making Palmas the third municipality with the highest number of cases per capita. Information from the Ministry of Health also confirmed 160 deaths from dengue fever in the country, in addition to the 228 possible deaths from mosquitoes currently under investigation.
Source: Tec Mundo

I am Bret Jackson, a professional journalist and author for Gadget Onus, where I specialize in writing about the gaming industry. With over 6 years of experience in my field, I have built up an extensive portfolio that ranges from reviews to interviews with top figures within the industry. My work has been featured on various news sites, providing readers with insightful analysis regarding the current state of gaming culture.