Much of quantum mechanics is still a mystery to scientists, but the field is already examining many practical applications for society. For example, quantum computing Since the processing capacity of a machine of this level can help solve many problems of humanity, it has been one of the most commented topics recently.
THEM technology is also allowed creation of post-quantum cryptography (PQC), an encryption format that uses quantum mechanical principles to provide greater security. To reduce cybercrime and protect different types of data, PQC should become an option on widely used computers.
Cybersecurity could be an issue, as quantum computing can create the ability to analyze and solve complex problems – in theory, a quantum computer could break encryption algorithms and “hack” anything. Therefore, quantum cryptography is essential for a more secure computing future.
The quantum threat responds
Although quantum computing is considered one of the most revolutionary technologies in recent years, it also poses a threat to digital security. Currently, most security systems use a 2048-bit-based algorithm, and it will take hundreds of years for existing computers to crack this encryption.
AgainQuantum computing can break the security system in a short time and if the population is more easily accessible, malicious people can use the technology to commit various crimes. – According to scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the United States, it only takes eight hours for a quantum system to crack the password of an ordinary PC.
It is not surprising that in December 2022, United States President Joe Biden signed a law encouraging federal government agencies to adopt technology aimed at preventing attacks by quantum computers. Dubbed the Quantum Computing Cybersecurity Readiness Act, HR7535 will help US states use post-quantum cryptography.
“Within 180 days from the date of this note, agencies must detect any encryption sample that does not conform to NSA-approved quantum strength algorithms,” the US State Department said in a statement. Said.
quantum computers
Quantum computers differ in that they have superposition, a subatomic property that allows to process large numbers of data simultaneously. Meanwhile, current computers are based on binary language, zeros and ones – in simple comparison, it’s as if quantum computers can handle all variables, and a normal PC only zero and one.
In any case, it’s important to emphasize that the technology is not yet available to end consumers, as companies and scientists are still examining the capabilities of quantum computing. So, even though there is a real danger, criminals are still willing to use the technology – including a still very expensive, 2,000-qubit quantum computer costing US$15 million (about R$76 million at current exchange rates). ).
Source: Tec Mundo

I’m Blaine Morgan, an experienced journalist and writer with over 8 years of experience in the tech industry. My expertise lies in writing about technology news and trends, covering everything from cutting-edge gadgets to emerging software developments. I’ve written for several leading publications including Gadget Onus where I am an author.