A bot created by a retail store encourages the purchase of refurbished items; this is a surprise campaign where AirDrop invades several Apple Stores to deliver the message.

AirDrop is the feature that allows sending and receiving files. Quickly and easily on iOS, iPadOS and macOS. This function is so practical used for an advertising campaign about refurbished products. The best way to disclose this was the Apple Store. How did they do this?

A bold advertising campaign for a retail store thanks to AirDrop

At a time when the safety of our devices was paramount, this store was hardly taken into account considering it was the official Apple store. This video titled “Back Market – Hack Market”, shows how they infiltrated via a bot that sends messages to all iPhones in the store. A campaign carried out in the main stores of London, Paris and Berlin.

They hid iPhones programmed with AirDrop bot in water bottles within the reach of devices. The video shows all customers who received a startled message by the bot. What is the last message? Buy refurbished items instead of new. A message seen on a customer’s iPhone sends the message that you can get the “item in your hand” (i.e. an iPhone) replaced for less.

A campaign that would not have been possible without Apple itself

Users receiving messages via AirDrop

A bold ad campaign achieved thanks to AirDrop

This campaign has not been officially endorsed or vetoed by those from Cupertino. At the end of the video clip, you can see a thank you message for (unintentionally) lending your devices to promote refurbished products.

In another part of the video you can see a preview of the product and price next to the **message. **Not only does it give the renewed purchase message, it also enters the mind of the consumer and clarifies the savings it represents.

Aggressive and surprising The campaign that left a good taste in most people’s mouths those appearing in the video. The bad thing is that it shows that, It can be a double-edged sword if you haven’t properly configured your device’s AirDrop. Recall a recent story of a United Airlines flight, where passengers received a photo of a gun thrown into the air, which was “prank” by a teenager getting off the plane.

Source: i Padizate

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